Policies and Procedures

Policy Number:  2.1002
Subject Area:  General College Policies/Administration 
Adopted: 03/10/2020
Revised: 11/20/2023

The President’s Cabinet (the “Cabinet”) serves at the discretion of the College President and provides leadership and representation in governance issues for administrative, professional, faculty, and staff personnel. The Cabinet provides advice and recommendations to the College President on all strategic and operational matters. The College President and Cabinet members oversee operations and execute the mission, vision, and institutional goals of the college. The Cabinet is responsible for executing the college’s strategic plan, for making all policy recommendations to the Kaskaskia College Board of Trustees, and for the establishment of the procedures associated with the approved policies. Cabinet members provide information and submit reports and recommendations to the College President and the entire Cabinet. Policies are recommended by Cabinet, approved by President, and then are presented to the Board of Trustees for approval. The Board of Trustees oversees the policies of the institution as the College President and leadership execute the procedures.

The Cabinet is chaired by the College President and meetings and activities of the Cabinet are coordinated by the President’s Office. Vice Presidents and their direct reports are responsible for ensuring that essential informational items from their respective areas are submitted to the President’s Office for inclusion on the monthly meeting agenda. Agenda items should be submitted to the President’s Office no later than 48 hours prior to the meeting. The Cabinet suggests procedures as recommended by its members; deliberates on issues that affect student life, the operations of the campus, and the long-term sustainability of the institution.

Submission of agenda item protocol:

  • Labeled as informational or discussion/decision making agenda item
  • Labeled confidential or to be distributed and disseminated
  • Length of time needed to discuss item (estimate)

Meeting protocol:

  1. Electronic devices should be utilized only for conducting business as related to the agenda of the meeting and discussion.
  2. Ethical conduct and respect for different opinions is expected of a Cabinet member. Members should practice the four characteristics of effective team leadership: Humility/Openness - Integrity - Accountability and Decisiveness - Communication Skills (Listening and Speaking)
  3. Rules and procedures are specific methods and courses of action taken by the College administration, faculty, and staff in implementing the policies that are adopted by the Board of Trustees. As per Board Policy 2.0000 changes or updates to procedures shall be presented to President’s Cabinet for consensus and Presidential approval, in either electronic or hard copy format. Upon approval changes will be updated in the electronic policy and procedure manual and disseminated via campus wide email by the Human Resources Office within 10 business days of President Cabinet approval.  Procedure changes will require a first reading and second reading.

Due to the need to consistently change procedures to meet new legal requirements, new technology needs, and to improve efficiently, the College President is authorized to approve all new and revised procedures for implementation of Board policy. All employees are responsible for knowing the content of the policy and procedure manual. The Board shall also have electronic access to the policy and procedure manual.

Identified areas that will require a first and second reading for Cabinet:

  1. New certificate or degree programs 
  2. Major modifications to existing certificate or degree programs
  3. Tuition and fee board recommendations
  4. New policies and policy changes for BOT approval
  5. Academic Calendar and academic calendar changes

The College President is authorized to deviate from existing approved procedures if deemed necessary to meet external mandates or to comply with changes in legal and/or statutory requirements. In the event such action occurs, the President will inform the Cabinet and the Board of Trustees within ten calendar days.  If the external mandate or changes in legal and/or statutory requirements necessitate a formal change in procedure, the proposed change will be presented to the Cabinet for consideration at its next regularly scheduled meeting.

All employees are responsible for knowing the content of the policy and procedure manual. The Board shall also have electronic access to the policy and procedure manual.

The agenda for Cabinet will be posted with the following information 48 hours prior to the Cabinet meeting:

Date, time, and location of meeting

Approval of meeting minutes from previous Cabinet meeting (to include attendance roster)

Review of Board of Trustees Agenda for current month

Standing agenda items:

  • Strategic Enrollment Management report (to include enrollment update)
  • Reviewal of metrics (not just of enrollment)
  • Accreditation – Update on Higher Learning Commission (HLC) reaccreditation process
  • Update on execution of Annual Plan and Strategic Plan (quarterly)
  • Capital Project Updates
  • Positive news – wins and or insights
  • Each meeting will conclude with a roundtable “check in” and review of calendar of events (provided by marketing) of all members of Cabinet to provide a brief update and to ask for areas in need of assistance, cooperation and informational items pertaining to their areas of supervision and any additional information deemed necessary to share with the Cabinet.

Each Cabinet member is tasked to ensure effective communication with his or her direct reports, as well as with the remainder of the leadership team. This communication, which must be reciprocal, involves anticipating issues, seeking perspective and advice, and sharing information before and after decisions are made. Civil discourse and conflicting opinions are common nomenclatures and are a necessary component of the Cabinet dynamic. Professional and respectful conduct are mandatory of a Cabinet member. Meeting decorum, ethical conduct and respect for different opinions is also expected of a Cabinet member. Cabinet members are the institutional leaders of Kaskaskia College, and it is an expectation of the College President and Board of Trustees that they conduct themselves in a manner consistent with the College’s Mission and Core Values at work and in public.

The Cabinet leadership team for Academic Year 2023-2024 is defined as:

  • President
  • Provost - Vice President of Instructional Services
  • Vice President of Administrative Services
  • Vice President of Student Services
  • Chief Information Officer – Vice President of Institutional Support & Technology
  • Assessment Coordinator
  • Associate Dean of Institutional Assessment
  • Controller
  • Dean of Arts and Sciences
  • Dean of Career and Technical Education
  • Dean of Enrollment Services
  • Dean of Health Sciences 
  • Dean of Workforce Engagement and Industrial Careers
  • Director of Adult Education and Literacy
  • Director of Public Safety
  • Director of Campus Operations
  • Director of Human Resources
  • Director of Equity and Access
  • Director of Student Retention and Support Services
  • Director of Purchasing and Auxiliary Operations
  • Director of Student Accounts
  • Executive Assistant to the President and Secretary to the Board of Trustees
  • Regional Director of Education Centers

Notification of absence of Cabinet meetings should be sent 24 hours prior to meeting to the President’s Office. Excused absences will be granted by the President’s Office.

Approval History: Replaces President’s Cabinet Policy 2.93 approved March 10, 2020; Revised November 20, 2023