Policies and Procedures

Policy Number:  2.1002
Subject Area:  General College Policies/Administration 
Adopted: 03/23/2020
Revised: 02/26/2024

The President’s Cabinet (Cabinet) will be comprised of institutional leaders appointed by the College President and they will represent all aspects of Kaskaskia College. The Cabinet will provide advice and recommendations to the College President on all strategic and operational matters. Cabinet members under the leadership of the College President will oversee the operations of the entire campus and execute the mission, vision, and institutional goals of the College. Additionally, Cabinet will be responsible for executing the College’s strategic plan, and for making all policy recommendations to the Kaskaskia College Board of Trustees for their approval. Subsequently, Cabinet will then establish the procedures associated with approved policies. Cabinet members provide information and submit reports and recommendations to the College President and the entire Cabinet.

The Cabinet will be chaired by the College President. Meetings and activities of the Cabinet are to be coordinated by the President’s Office. If the President is unable to attend a Cabinet meeting, a designee will be appointed by he/she to lead the Cabinet meeting in his/her absence. If the College President is incapacitated, then per Board policy the Provost, Vice President of Instructional Services will serve as chair of Cabinet until the College President is able to return.

Cabinet members are the institutional leaders of Kaskaskia College and it is an expectation of the College President and Board of Trustees that all Cabinet members conduct themselves in a professional manner consistent with the College’s Mission and Core Values, as well as abide by the procedures as defined for Cabinet membership.

All membership designations are at the discretion of the College President.

Approval History:

Replaces President’s Cabinet Policy 2.93 approved March 23, 2020; Revised February 26, 2024