Strategic planning at Kaskaskia College is a comprehensive process that takes into account multiple stakeholder feedback within the context of a defined institutional effectiveness cycle. The process provides opportunity for input from all levels of the College and is driven by the Kaskaskia College Mission, Vision Statement, Core Values and Institutional Goals, which follow:
Kaskaskia College is committed to life-long student learning and to providing quality comprehensive education.
Vision Statement
Kaskaskia College aspires to be an institution of “first choice” for its district citizens and dedicated to providing the highest level of student-centered educational experiences with an unshakeable focus on student success. In collaboration with its community and supported by an effective Foundation, Kaskaskia will be a premier institution of higher education; a regional workforce training institution; and a regional center for intellectual, cultural and social events.
Core Values
Respect - Having a genuine regard for others and showing consideration for the diversity of others to foster an environment of teamwork and excellence.
Responsibility/Personal - Assuming ownership of personal actions and being accountable for one's own behavior, assigned tasks, duties and functions.
Responsibility/Institutional - Being accountable for institutional excellence by providing accessible, affordable and diverse educational opportunities that facilitate individual success.
Honesty - Being truthful and demonstrating integrity above reproach; and maintaining open, honest, clear, and effective internal and external communications.
Compassion - Understanding and considering the feelings of others and recognizing the effect one's actions will have on others in order to impart hope for all parties, while remaining sensitive to the needs of others.
Fairness - Practicing actions that are just and impartial while treating people in an equitable and consistent manner in recognizing the diverse needs of others.
Institutional Goals
- Provide a quality educational experience:
a. Quality instructional offerings – Kaskaskia College will provide high-quality instructional offerings for its student populations in the areas of Arts & Sciences, Career and Technical Education, Health Sciences, and Adult Education.
b. Quality services and infrastructure to support student success - Kaskaskia College will facilitate student success by providing the services and infrastructure that meet the needs of a modern institution of higher education
2. Effectively manage enrollment and resources: Kaskaskia College will ensure the health and sustainability of the institution by maximizing enrollment and resources through data-informed processes.
3. Maximize regional integration: Kaskaskia College will collaborate with regional employers, schools, and organizations.
4. Engage the community: Kaskaskia College will be a center for intellectual, cultural, and social experiences for its district.
Responsibility for the implementation of the Strategic Plan is assigned by the Kaskaskia College Board of Trustees to the College President and senior administrative staff. The College’s Higher Learning Commission (HLC) Accreditation Liaison Officer will work with the Board, President and College administration to ensure that the strategic planning process aligns with the HLC criteria for accreditation.
Planning Cycle
Three year to five-year planning cycle (timeframe determined by College Administration to meet current climate)
Every three to five years (no greater than five years), the college administration will engage in a multi-phase process that develops and delivers to the Board of Trustees a proposed Strategic Plan that identifies the goals the college wishes to accomplish over the identified time period. Phases in the process will include:
- Review mission, vision, core values and institutional goals
- Internal and external environmental scans
- Solicit feedback and perspectives of internal and external stakeholders
- Identify strategic issues and review prioritization processes
- Refine, revise or replace current institutional goals
- Set measurable outcomes and performance measures
- Establish budgetary support parameters as per college policy
- Review and incorporate performance measures from the following ancillary plans into the Strategic Plan:
- Master Information Technology Plan
- Master Facility and Improvement Plan
- Emergency Operations Plan
- Strategic Enrollment Management Plan
- Human Capital Development Plan
- Recommend plan to Board of Trustees
- Communicate plan to college district
- Measure progress utilizing key performance indictors (KPI’s) and provide semiannual progress reports to the Board of Trustees
- Evaluate planning efforts for effectiveness and continued alignment with the mission, vision, values and institutional goals.
- Repeat planning cycle
Annual Planning Process
Implementation of the Strategic Plan occurs primarily through the annual planning process. Action items based on the Strategic Priorities are developed each fiscal year by planning teams at the divisional and institutional levels. The Annual Plan is informed by institutional data (e.g. Assessment Data, Key Performance Indicator (KPIs) and ancillary plans such as the Master Facilities and Improvement Plan, Strategic Enrollment Management Plan, etc.)
The annual planning process is facilitated by the Quality Council in collaboration with divisional planning teams, and membership of planning committees is designed to represent the entire institution. Planning is carried out according to an annual timeline that ensures the incorporation of operational data into planning and budgeting. Generally, the timeline follows the example published in the Strategic Plan (changes due to circumstances may occur):
Approval History: Replaces Strategic Planning Procedure 8.8 approved March 23, 2020