Policies and Procedures

Policy Number:  2.1001
Subject Area:  General College Policies/Administration 
Adopted: 03/23/2020
Revised: 08/16/2023

Strategic planning at Kaskaskia College is a comprehensive process that provides opportunities for input from internal stakeholders at all levels of the College and externally from stakeholders throughout the college district. The strategic planning process is driven by the Kaskaskia College Mission, Vision, and Core Values Statements, which follow:


Kaskaskia College is committed to life-long student learning and to providing quality comprehensive education.

Vision Statement

Kaskaskia College aspires to be recognized as a community-integrated leader dedicated to providing the highest levels of academic programming and workforce development, and known as an institution with students, faculty, and staff who value and treat all individuals equitably, and foster a sense of belonging for all partners.

Core Values


Providing quality, student-focused instructional programming in a supportive environment as part of the lifelong learning process. 


Having genuine regard for others and showing consideration for the diversity of others to foster an environment of teamwork and excellence.


Maintaining high standards in all endeavors with a commitment to continuous improvement and innovation. 


Providing programs and services that are affordable, convenient, flexible in delivery modes and locations, and available to all. 


Practicing actions that are welcoming, inclusive, equitable, safe, and respectful. 


Being honest and truthful; maintaining fair and consistent communication; and being transparent and accountable?to all internal and external stakeholders. 


Engaging, partnering, and collaborating with the community to serve the public good. 

Strategic Planning Cycle

The college will adhere to a five-year strategic planning cycle. 

Every five years, the college administration will initiate a multi-phase process that develops and delivers to the Board of Trustees a proposed Strategic Plan that identifies the goals the college wishes to accomplish for the duration of the strategic planning cycle. Development of the strategic plan will be facilitated by the Strategic Planning Council which will be convened and report to President’s Cabinet. Membership of the Strategic Planning Council will include representation from faculty and staff across the college. President’s Cabinet may, with the approval of the KC Board of Trustees, make adjustments to the duration of the strategic planning cycle, if needed. 

Strategic Plan Development

Components of the development process will include: 

  • Data Gathering and Analysis
    • Solicitation of feedback and perspectives from internal and external stakeholders 
    • Analysis of available data 
    • Internal and external environmental scans 
  • Review/revise mission, vision, core values and any complementary statements 
  • Review/revise current institutional goals 
  • Determine strategic priorities
    • Set measurable outcomes and performance measures
    • Establish budgetary support parameters as per college policy 
  • Align ancillary plans and any department plans with institutional goals and strategic priorities of the strategic plan 
  • Recommend plan to Board of Trustees for approval 
  • Communicate plan to college district 
    • Measure progress utilizing key performance indictors (KPI’s) and provide progress reports to the Board of Trustees  

Ancillary Plan Development 

Certain key functional areas of the college may maintain an ancillary plan to guide planning processes for their respective functional area. These ancillary plans are aligned with the college’s strategic plan and are administered by a designated group or committee under the oversight of President’s Cabinet. Examples of ancillary plans include the Master Facilities and Improvement Plan, the Strategic Enrollment Management Plan, and the Master Information Technology Plan. 

Annual Planning Process 

Implementation of the Strategic Plan occurs primarily through the annual planning process. Action items aligned with the Institutional Goals and Strategic Priorities are developed each fiscal year by designated planning committees and vetted by President’s Cabinet. Action items will be informed by data aligned with key performance indicators (or other performance metrics) of the Strategic Plan or ancillary documents.

The annual planning process is administered by the President’s Cabinet which oversees divisional planning teams and any planning team charged with oversight of an ancillary plan. Membership of planning committees is designed to reflect the population of stakeholders throughout the institution. The annual planning process is carried out according to an annual timeline that ensures the incorporation of operational data into planning and budgeting. Generally, the timeline follows the example published in the Strategic Plan (changes due to circumstances may occur). 

Changes to the Strategic Plan 

Given the multi-year duration of the strategic planning cycle, a range of internal and/or external factors may influence the overall planning process for the college and warrant a change to the components of the strategic plan. Changes can include, but are not limited to: 

  • Changes to performance metrics (e.g. key performance indicators) by which we measure the success of the strategic plan. 
  • Changes to institutional goals and/or strategic priorities. 
  • Changes to mission, vision, or values statements. 

If it is determined during the annual planning process that changes to the strategic plan are needed, these changes can be formally proposed to President’s Cabinet for consideration. If the proposed change requires a change to a Board policy (e.g. Institutional Goals), then this change also requires a Board action to be effective. Changes would be effective for the next fiscal year of the strategic plan after approval by President’s Cabinet and/or Board of Trustees as appropriate. 

Approval History:  
Strategic Planning Procedure 8.8 approved July 24, 2023 
Strategic Planning Procedure 8.8 approved March 23, 2020

Replaces Strategic Planning Procedure 8.8 approved March 23, 2020 and Strategic Planning Procedure 2.1001 Revised 01/22/2021