Policies and Procedures

Policy Number:  2.1003
Subject Area:  General College Policies/Administration 
Adopted: 05/17/2011
Revised: 01/11/2021

Kaskaskia College (College) and the Kaskaskia College Foundation (Foundation) acknowledge the importance of naming opportunities as a means of recognizing significant contributions in support of the College’s mission.


A.     Requests for naming shall be in writing and submitted to the Office of Institutional Advancement.  Written submission should include:
  • Donor name and contact information
  • Gift amount and type of gift

Types of gifts include but are not limited to:

  • Cash
  • Gifts pledged over time
  • Stocks
  • Life insurance
  • Charitable Remainder Trust
  • Retirement Plans
  • Annuities
  • IRA Charitable Roll Over
  • Planned Gifts
  • Significant volunteer support or service leading to donations and grants
  • Area or program being considered for naming
  • Any additional pertinent information

B.  The College and appropriate staff will review the request and make a recommendation to the Board of Trustees.  The Board of Trustees will decide to either accept, deny, or modify the naming request.

C.  All naming opportunities shall be approved by the College Board of Trustees.

D.    Buildings, areas, and endowments may be named for businesses, individuals, families, or in the name of a nonprofit 501 (c)(3) foundation.  No building, area, or endowment shall be named for a religious or political organization, cult, or special interest group.

E.     The credentials, character, and reputation of each individual or business for whom the naming is being considered will be carefully evaluated.  Requests may be denied to avoid the appearance of a conflict of interest.

F.     All gifts designated for a naming opportunity shall be irrevocable.  Gifts that are designated for a naming opportunity through irrevocable arrangements may qualify for naming.  Signage recognizing a gift will be installed when a minimum of 50% of the total donation is received.

G.    All operational decisions regarding a named facility are at the sole discretion of the College and its administration.

H.    Appropriate recognition signage will be placed in or around the named location at the expense of the Foundation.

I.       The Office of Institutional Advancement shall be responsible for maintaining an inventory of gifts, opportunities, and outcomes/decisions.


The College provides opportunities for donors to be associated with the College in a lasting and permanent manner. 

Naming opportunities include:

  • Endowments
  • Named Areas


Endowments may be established by an outright gift or a planned future gift.

  • Named endowments provide a way to associate an individual’s or organization’s name in perpetuity with the important work associated with the College.Other namable entities may include endowments for faculty development funds, individual programs, speaker series, and awards.Names associated with endowments become a part of the language and legacy of the College, bringing honor to the name, and inspiration to students for generations to come.
  • Endowed scholarship funds are permanently invested with a portion of the earnings used annually to award scholarships to students. Endowed scholarships must adhere to the Foundation’s Investment and Spend Policy guidelines.


Naming a facility or an area can be gratifying for the donor and an honor for the College to have that person or company’s name associated with the institution. Named areas become a part of the language and legacy of the College.

The following giving levels are established as guidelines for the naming of areas:

 $1 million or more – Name the Facility (includes buildings and education centers)

 $500,000 or more - Major Functional Areas

 $100,000 or more - Special Purpose Rooms or Areas

 $50,000 or more – Instructional Labs and Multi-Occupant Offices

 $25,000 or more - General Classrooms, Conference/Meeting Rooms, and  Single-Occupant Offices                       

Unique requests for naming will be discussed with the Office of Institutional Advancement and the Office of the President.  Requests will be evaluated using the following criteria:

  • Significance to a program, to students, or the community
  • Visibility or prominence
  • Appeal to potential donors
  • Size


When appropriate, naming recommendations not associated with a donation will be considered on a case by case basis and are subject to approval by the College Board of Trustees.


  • Whenever possible, the donor will decide how his/her name should appear on the signage.
  • If donor signage is removed due to new construction, or if a named area is destroyed by a natural disaster, recognition signage will be replaced at the expense of the College.


  • Spaces available for naming include buildings, interior spaces, outdoor areas, special features, objects, or other College property. 
  • Additional naming opportunities may become available as a result of new construction, renovation, or a previously unnamed existing space.
  • Building names should not be based primarily on building occupants since specific departments, use, or occupancy may become obsolete and occupants may relocate to alternate buildings. 
  • Building names should be unique and distinctive enough to ease wayfinding and identification for the College and first responders. 
  • Building names should not be confusing, identical to, sound similar to, or employ acronyms similar to existing building names.


There may be instances when the College or the donor requests an area be renamed.  Such requests will be handled on a case by case basis and are subject to Board of Trustees approval.


Approval History: May 17, 2011