Policies and Procedures

Board Bylaw:  1.4000
Subject Area:  Board of Trustees Bylaws 
Adopted: 09/16/2004
Revised: 01/25/2021

The President of the College shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the College.  He shall be appointed by the Board and operate the College within the framework of Board policies.

The College Organizational Chart is developed by the President of the College.  Changes to the Organizational Chart at the Dean level shall be approved by the Board.

The President shall serve as the channel of communication between the Board and all subordinate administrative officers and personnel of the internal College organization.

The successful operation of any community college is the maintenance of sound and harmonious work relationships between boards of trustees and presidents.

The following ethical considerations are recommended as a means of establishing and maintaining a sound board/president relationship.

The President in dealing with the Board of Trustees should:

  • Keep Board members informed fully regarding the state of the institution -- its strengths, opportunities for improvement, and progress toward achieving its objectives.
  • Recommend to the Board for its consideration and approval those policies or policy changes considered important for effective operation of the college.
  • Provide the Board with careful study and advice regarding all policy proposals initiated by the Board.
  • Support Board decisions and exercise maximum effort to implement such decisions, even though they may have been made without or against his/her recommendation.
  • Treat all members of the Board equally.  Maintain a professional and evenhanded stance in the unhappy event of a division of the Board, or of unfriendly relations among Board members.
  • Be sympathetic and understanding of the difficult position of Board members in representing the college's many publics, and assist them to the best of his/her ability to discharge their roles in effective fashion.
  • Represent individual members of the Board in a professional and supportive manner to all factions of the public, even though the President may privately disagree with the stand or behavior of a Board member.
  • Provide the Board with a professional and objective assessment of any opportunities noted to improve its operation and general functioning.
  • Maintain strict neutrality regarding Board elections insofar as the public and staff are concerned.
  • Avoid public utterances or actions which will discredit the Board, undermine public confidence, or otherwise serve to damage the image of the College.
  • Work closely with the Board and particularly so with its Chairman so that the District will benefit from a strong and coordinated team approach.
  • Provide maximum assistance to new members in their indoctrination to Board membership.
  • Provide the Board with appropriate advance notice of plans to resign or seek another position.
  • Avoid discussion with the public contractual difficulties or agreements regarding job separation that may have been reached with the Board of Trustees.

The Board of Trustees in dealing with the President should:

  • Be sympathetic and understanding of the difficult position of the President in carrying out his/her leadership responsibilities amid the wants and concerns of students, faculty, staff, and general public.
  • Seek his/her advice and counsel regarding matters of policy before making a final decision.
  • Give him/her full confidence and support realizing that the chief executive needs this assistance if he/she is to perform with maximum effectiveness.
  • Expect its Chairman to work particularly close with the President to promote and facilitate the best possible communication and cooperation between the Board of Trustees and the President.
  • Inform the President immediately of any questions or concerns about the College or District so that appropriate follow-up actions may be taken.
  • Help assure the orderly operation of the College by insisting that employees make use of established channels before bringing their concerns to the Board.
  • Require that the interests and welfare of the entire District be considered before those of any special interest group.
  • Assist him/her by supporting fully all Board decisions once they have been made, even though the vote may be divided.
  • Inform the President immediately of any concerns regarding performance, conduct, or style that, in the opinion of the Board, require attention.
  • Provide the President with adequate time to correct any deficiencies noted.
  • Exert every effort to conduct discussions relating to contract termination in a professional manner, being always sensitive to the potential for damage to both the District and the President.
  • Avoid discussing with the public contractual difficulties or agreements regarding job separation that may have been reached with the President.
  • Give the President a reasonable period of time to find another position.


In the event of emergency situations not covered by specific policies and to which the Board cannot respond by calling an emergency meeting, the College President shall have the authority to take any appropriate action required.  The action taken and the associated reasoning will be communicated to the Board at the next scheduled Board meeting.


The Administrative Office of the President is responsible for fulfilling the duties assigned to it by the Board and by Board officers.  These duties include but are not limited to responsibilities listed in the By-laws and Policy Manual.


In order to ensure the continuity of College operations, the College President is authorized to designate a member(s) of the College staff as Acting President during the President’s temporary disability or absence from the College.  Notice of such a designation shall be given to the members of the Board of Trustees and the appropriate administrative staff.

If the President is unable to designate a member of the College staff as Acting President or if, in the discretion of the Board Chair, special circumstances warrant that an Acting President be named, the Board Chair is authorized to designate an Acting President.  Notice of such a designation shall be given to the members of the Board of Trustees and the appropriate administrative staff.  Such designation will remain effective until the Board can meet at a regularly scheduled or special meeting to ratify such designation or to authorize an alternate designation.

In the event of an emergency situation, if the President is not available, the Vice President of Administrative Services shall take responsibility for execution of the College Emergency plan, until the Board Chair makes a designation as outlined above.

This policy replaces the following policies:  1.550, President, Approved 9/16/2004;  2.05 Chief Executive Officer;  1.554 Communication with the Board, Approved;  1.556 Authority for Emergency Action, Approved 09/25/2017;  1.551 The Board/President Relationship, Approved;  1.552 Acting President, Approved October 10/28/2013, 09/25/2017;  1.555  Responsibility to Assist Board 1.555