The Student Activities budget involves the allocation of funding to student clubs and organizations. This funding supplements a portion of the expenses that the student clubs and organizations incur throughout the year.
I. Student Activities utilizes the student club allocation rubric (attached) to determine the allocation recommendation to be brought before the Board of Trustees for action.
II. Student Activities will recommend student club and organization allocations based on their club allocation rubric score.The four club categories utilized in scoring are explained below; all funding is based upon available College resources.
A. Category 4 Clubs
1. Ranked based upon the following information in the order listed
- Total score of 18-19 points
- Date of receipt of allocation request
- Criteria scoring documentation
2. Funding $2,000 or 40% of the student club or organization projected expenses, whichever is lower
B. Category 3 Clubs
1. Ranked based upon the following information in the order listed
- Total score 13-17 points
- Date of receipt of allocation request
- Criteria scoring documentation
2. Funding of $1,000 or 20% of the student club or organization projected expenses, whichever is lower
C. Category 2 Clubs
1. Ranked based upon the following information in the order listed
- Total score of 8-12 points
- Date of receipt of allocation request
- Criteria scoring documentation
2. Funding of $500 or 10% of the student club or organization projected expenses, whichever is lower
D. Category 1 Clubs
1. Student clubs and organizations scoring less than eight will not receive an allocation; those with two consecutive years at this level will be subject to dissolution.
III. Student Activities will submit an annual review of all student clubs and organizations to the club allocation committee. Recommendation for dissolution of student clubs and organizations with a Category 1 rating for two consecutive years will be determined by the club allocation committee. Any remaining funds in a dissolved organization’s Trust and Agency account will be transferred into the Student Activities Support Trust and Agency fund. This fund is held in reserve to supplement unexpected club-related expenses including, but not limited to, new student club and organization allocations and travel expenses related to participation in state and national level events.
Approval History:
July 24, 2017