Policies and Procedures

Policy Number:  4.3120
Subject Area:  Personnel 
Adopted: 11/16/1998
Revised: 11/16/1998

Kaskaskia College recognizes that the professional growth of its employees enhances their productivity and benefits the college as well as the individual employees.  The Board of Trustees therefore supports financially and encourages both on-campus and off-campus professional development activities for faculty, administrative staff, and support staff.

Workshops and Professional Meetings

Within the budget constraints of the college, employees may attend workshops and/or professional meetings related to their job assignment.  All such requests are handled on an individual basis for off-campus activities, and requests must be approved in advance by the employee's immediate supervisor and appropriate dean.  Out-of-state travel must also be approved by the president.  Priority will be given to requests which directly relate to institutional goals and objectives.

Approved time away from the campus is considered regular hours worked.  Registration fees, meals, lodging, mileage reimbursement and/or other transportation costs will be paid according to current travel reimbursement guidelines for approved professional development activities.

Kaskaskia College Courses

Except where limited by collective bargaining agreements, Kaskaskia College employees may have tuition and non-course specific fees waived for Kaskaskia College credit courses. Courses must be taken during an employee's non-working hours.  The employee will be responsible for the cost of books, workbooks, other consumable materials and course specific fees.

An exception to the above policy may occur for Kaskaskia College computer credit courses designated by the College as necessary for professional development purposes relating to and providing skills specific to the employee's current job.  For those courses, employees may have tuition, book costs, and fees waived; and courses may be taken during an employee's working hours if approved by the appropriate Dean.  Prior to enrolling in a course for professional development purposes during working hours, and/or where a waiver of tuition, book costs, and fees will be requested, the employee must have written approval by the dean for his/her functional area.  An employee may be directed to provide a written justification as to how the course relates specifically to his/her current duties. 

The College realizes the value in having skilled employees and will attempt to schedule such courses at convenient times.  Employees may request a change in work schedules from their immediate supervisors in order to participate in a designated class.  This approval must be received in writing prior to registering for a course.

Approval History:   Replacement for Professional Development  2.312      Approved 11/16/1998