Policies and Procedures

Policy Number:  3.4004
Subject Area:  Business Services and Finances 
Adopted: 12/21/2000
Revised: 12/21/2000

Outside, for profit organizations are discouraged from soliciting products on Kaskaskia College property.

Visitors to the Kaskaskia College campus who wish to meet with students for the purposes of at-large soliciting, advertising, etc. must have advance clearance from the

Dean of Student Development and follow all procedures as proscribed by the Dean of  Student Development.  Kaskaskia College has the sole discretion in granting such clearance.

Visitors to the Kaskaskia College campus who wish to meet with Faculty or other staff or the purpose of at-large soliciting, advertising, etc. must have advance clearance from the Dean of Instruction and follow all procedures as proscribed by the Dean of Instruction.  Kaskaskia College has sole discretion in granting such clearance.

Approval History:  Replaces Solicitation 4.56, approved December 21, 2000