Policies and Procedures

Policy Number:  6.0400
Subject Area:  Instruction 
Adopted: 01/01/0001
Revised: 04/27/2020

Curriculum development and review is a shared responsibility of discipline/program faculty who collaboratively develop, review, and revise program curriculum, and deliver curriculum.  All curriculum will comply with the requirements of the ICCB (Illinois Community College Board), and IBHE (Illinois Board of Higher Education) requirements.   All new courses must be approved by the Kaskaskia College Curriculum Council and ICCB.  All new programs must be approved by the Kaskaskia College Curriculum Council, Kaskaskia College Board of Trustees, ICCB, IBHE and the Higher Learning Commission (if required by HLC guidelines).

Courses and programs will be developed by faculty members or, where external expertise is required, by non-faculty practitioners or academic specialists working under the authority of faculty. Faculty, in partnership with administration, will work with external stakeholders (e.g. Workforce Investment Opportunity Act partners, industry, four-year institutions, K-12 institutions, program advisory boards) to determine program feasibility (need, cost, and quality) as outlined by the ICCB Program Approval Manual and applicable external accrediting entities (e.g. ACEN, CAPTE, NATEF). Once a feasibility study has determined a need and has been approved by applicable Dean and Vice President of Instructional Services, all course and program development and implementation will follow the approval process outlined by the Kaskaskia College Curriculum Development Procedure 3.200.

The development and renewal of curriculum will be consistent with the following principles: 

  • Curriculum is consistent with the mission and vision of the college.

  • Curriculum is consistent with the Institutional Goals as outlined in the strategic plan.

  • Curriculum is purposeful and intentional.

  • Curriculum is current and relevant with program standards or program descriptions and labor market needs.

  • Curriculum is based on sound learning and curriculum design principles.

  • Curriculum provides active learning opportunities to maximize student engagement.

  • Curriculum provides viable pathways into, through, and beyond programs.

  • Curriculum aligns content, learning resources, and authentic assessment with student learning outcome in all mode of delivery.

  • Curriculum is developed at an appropriate level for the academic degrees/certificates awarded by the College.

Replaces Curriculum Development Policy 3.200
Approved April 27, 2020