Policies and Procedures

Policy Number:  2.0000
Subject Area:  General College Policies/Administration 
Adopted: 12/14/2015
Revised: 12/07/2023

When a need is identified for a new or revised policy and/or procedure, the Provost or Vice President (VP) or their designee in the appropriate area will serve as the coordinator of the effort. The following steps are to guide the process. A checklist outlining steps for policy and procedure submissions is available in the Document Center on myKC.


A coordinating policy owner (President’s Cabinet member) will be assigned for each policy and it is the policy owner’s responsibility to establish a development/revision team consisting of individuals who are experienced and/or knowledgeable regarding the subject area under review, along with individuals who have an interest, or work responsibility associated with the subject area.

Recommendation will be made to the College President to determine if legal analysis will be required prior to presentation to the Board and/or President’s Cabinet for First Reading.

Once the team prepares a First Reading draft following the standard policy and procedure guidelines (see formatting guidelines at the end of this procedure), it will be submitted to President’s Cabinet, via the President’s Office, for review and discussion. A redlined version of any proposed revised policy should be submitted for review.

After any needed changes are made, the policy owner will forward the revised policy to the President’s Office. The President’s Office will send a First Reading of the policy and/or procedure campus wide via email for feedback from employees. Email directions will include to whom the feedback should be submitted and the deadline for feedback submission. Completed feedback will be provided to the development/revision team.

The policy owner then shares all feedback with the President’s Cabinet for consideration as part of the Second Reading process. The recommended policy is then updated with necessary changes. The compilation of the policy will then be presented to the President for inclusion on the next available Board agenda for First Reading. A redlined version of any proposed revised policies should be submitted for review.

To support Board understanding of policy implementation process, the coordinating policy owner will provide the relevant procedure to the Board for informational purposes only. As per Board Bylaw 1.0000, the Board has the discretion to waive the first reading and approve policy after only a first reading, if a majority of the members feel it will be in the best interest of the College to do so.  The Board also has the discretion to require more than two readings of a policy for approval.

Any feedback/revisions from the Board will be addressed and the policy will again be amended to be presented the following month to the President’s Cabinet as a Final Reading and Board for approval as a Final Reading.

Board’s approved Final Readings of policies will be updated to the electronic policy and procedure weblink by Human Resources and/or the President’s Office and a campus wide email will be sent to notify employees of the new and/or revised policy within 10 business days of that Board meeting.

Policies submitted with Administrative Revisions and/or Minor Revisions as defined in Board Bylaws and Policies and Procedures Bylaw 1.0000 will be approved by the College President and shared informationally with the Board of Trustees within the Executive Services report for the next regularly scheduled Board of Trustees meeting and shared informationally with the President’s Cabinet at next regularly scheduled President’s Cabinet meeting.


Procedures shall be presented to President’s Cabinet as a First and Second Reading for approval, in either electronic or hard copy format. A redlined version of any proposed revised procedures should be submitted for review.

Once the team prepares a First Reading draft following the standard policy and procedure guidelines (see formatting guidelines at the end of this procedure), it will be submitted to President’s Cabinet, via the President’s Office, for review and discussion. A redlined version of any proposed revised procedure should be submitted for review.

After any needed changes are made, the policy owner will forward the revised procedure to the President’s Office. The President’s Office will send a First Reading of the procedure campus wide via email for feedback from employees. Email directions will include to whom the feedback should be submitted and the deadline for feedback submission. Completed feedback will be provided to the development/revision team.

The policy owner then shares all feedback with the President’s Cabinet for consideration as part of the Second Reading process.

Upon approval, new and/or revised procedures will be updated in the electronic Policies and Procedures weblink and disseminated via campus wide email by the Human Resources Office or President’s Office within 10 business days of President Cabinet approval.

Policies and procedures are recommended to be reviewed every five years. Policies that are required by federal, state, or local compliance regulations to be reviewed/revised more frequently should undergo review as needed. Any policy or procedure that requires review more frequently than every five years will specify the review period within said policy and/or procedure.

Procedures submitted with Administrative Revisions and/or Minor Revisions as defined in Board Bylaws and Policies and Procedures Bylaw 1.0000 will be approved by the College President and shared informationally with the President’s Cabinet at next regularly scheduled President’s Cabinet meeting.


All policies and procedures will follow a standardized format and must meet American’s with Disabilities Act standards.  The first page of each policy or procedure will begin with a standardized grid. A template will be available in the Document Center on myKC. Additionally, all associated documents will utilize the following formatting expectations:

  • Arial font size 12 or 11 (see template)
  • Left margin alignment, 1” margins
  • Single spaced text, double space between paragraphs
  • Two spaces after periods and Oxford comma is required
  • When referring to Kaskaskia College specifically, capitalization of the word College is appropriate.
  • First Reading and Second and Final Reading watermarks will be applied prior to submission to the Board.
  • First Reading and Second (Third, if applicable) and Final Reading watermarks will be applied prior to submission to President’s Cabinet
  • Policies will not utilize a numbering system within the document
  • Procedures may include numbering in the following format:




Each policy and procedure will be submitted in two separate documents, as only the policy will be presented to the Board.

Approval History: Replaces New and Revised Policies and Procedures Procedure 6.12 approved December 14, 2015, and August 28, 2017, October 20, 2023; Revised December 7, 2023.