Policies and Procedures

Policy Number:  6.0801
Subject Area:  Instruction 
Adopted: 12/17/2018
Revised: 12/17/2018

To ensure that KC complies with the HLC definition of Distance Education, all new online courses should be created and developed with an instructional designer in the Distance Education Office using the Online Course Rubric and Credit Hour Compliance Worksheet. An instructor who has experience teaching online and who have had approved course rubrics and Credit Hour Compliance Worksheets by an instructional designer, do not need to work with an instructional designer on the creation of new courses, as long as they have been through the process and approved within the last year.

Upon approval from Distance Learning Office, all new courses are then approved by the KC Curriculum Council.  During this approval process, faculty are required to complete a Credit Hour Compliance Worksheet with every new online course developed as part of the approval process.  This worksheet ensures that there is academic rigor and regular and substantive interaction between the student and the faculty member.

In addition, all new online faculty are required to enroll in INST 135, Creating an Online Course in the Learning Management System, with an instructional designer in the Distance Learning Office before they teach a new online course. If the INST 135 course is not available at the time of hire, the new online faculty member may teach a new online course, but must enroll into the next available course INST 135 offering. This course outlines the expectations of regular and substantive interaction as well as other best practices for online learning.

Finally, all online faculty will be reviewed in conjunction with the ICCB Five Year Program Review Process.  This process requires that faculty with programs being reviewed in the five-year timeframe, will have their courses randomly selected for review by the Online Learning Committee to ensure that the course is incompliance with the Higher Education Act of 1965 102 (a) (3) (B).  If changes are needed, the academic dean and the vice president of instructional services will work with the faculty to make the necessary changes.

Replaces Distance Learning Engagement Procedure 3.75P
Approved December 17, 2018