Policies and Procedures

Policy Number:  4.3020
Subject Area:  Personnel 
Adopted: 09/16/2004
Revised: 09/16/2004

Regular full-time employees and regular part-time employees who work at least 25 hours per week on a continuous basis are eligible.  For pre-approved education or training earned beyond an Associate degree, employees will receive a one-time stipend of $750.00 for each 15 hours of coursework, 300 level or higher, completed toward the next highest degree.  The maximum reimbursement an employee can receive in one year is $1,500.00.

Employees must earn a grade of “C” or better in each course and the maximum hours that will be considered for payment for each degree earned is 60. This policy applies to each higher degree earned, including a BA, MA, and PhD, for a maximum of three, but does not apply to additional degrees earned at the same level.   

All courses of study must be for credit and must be through accredited organizations and be approved in advance by the employee’s immediate Supervisor, the appropriate Dean, and the appropriate Vice President.  The appropriate Forms for the approval process will be provided by the Human Resources office.  The Dean and Vice President will make the final determination as to whether a course of study qualifies for payment under this policy.  No payment will be made for courses of study which are not approved in advance.  All coursework must be completed at the employee’s expense.

An employee who receives payment pursuant to this policy is required to remain with the College for at least one year after the last payment or he/she will be required to reimburse the College.

Approval History:  Replacement for Educational Advancement Procedure 2.302P  Approved 09/16/2004