Policies and Procedures

Policy Number:  5.4501
Subject Area:  Student Services 
Adopted: 03/01/2010
Revised: 12/05/2021

Student Activities shall exist and cover a broad spectrum of student engagement opportunities on the Kaskaskia College campus including student clubs and organizations as well as student events and activities.  All of these opportunities exist to engage students and involve them in college life.  Student Activities provides students a chance to display and develop leadership, engage creatively, and cultivate initiative, which contributes to the support of their educational goals and responsibilities.

Student Activities also provide opportunities to learn outside of the classroom.  The Office of Student Life works closely with the college Assessment team and identifies when activities are involved in co-curricular learning.  Once identified as co-curricular, the club or activity will develop an assessment tool to gauge if learning outcomes are achieved.  Data collected will be evaluated to continue and or improve the activity.

Leadership of Student Activities resides with the Student Life Office.  Key components of this role include development and annual review of the Student Clubs and Organizations Handbook, recruitment of club leadership, meeting with all club sponsors, monitoring co-curricular assessment, and coordinating and serving as a member of the Club Allocation Committee, which makes recommendations to the Board of Trustees.

Approval History:
January 25, 2021
July 24, 2017
March 1, 2010