Policies and Procedures

Policy Number:  6.0402
Subject Area:  Instruction 
Adopted: 12/07/2023
Revised: 12/07/2023

All courses and credit assignments at Kaskaskia College are reviewed and approved by department faculty, the college’s Curriculum Council, and the ICCB to ensure that the credit hours awarded are in compliance with the KC Credit Hour Policy and that student learning outcomes and course requirements accurately reflect the amount of credit to be awarded for the course.

Upon developing a new course or offering an existing course in a new delivery mode, it is required to complete a credit hour compliance review using a tool that allows for the calculation of credit hours based on course content. The Curriculum Development Procedure details the specifics of proposing new curriculum and/or changing of existing curriculum. Credit hour compliance of courses will be reviewed periodically as appropriate, which may include a review during a program or discipline’s ICCB 5-year program review process.

Procedures for the awarding of credit, course proposals, and program proposals are specified in the guidelines of the College Curriculum Council.

Information of the number of credit hours and the dates, time, duration, and delivery format for each course is published online through the course schedule and is publicly accessible prior to student registration each term.

Replaces Credit Hour Procedure 3.09P Approved August 27, 2018; July 7, 2020; December 7, 2023