Policies and Procedures

Policy Number:  4.3108
Subject Area:  Personnel 
Adopted: 11/15/2007
Revised: 11/15/2007

In order to provide non-grant-funded faculty and staff additional opportunities to participate in College Major Gifts Campaigns, the Kaskaskia Board of Trustees approves the voluntary donations of paid leave time by faculty and staff in accordance with established procedures.  This option will be available in addition to other direct cash donations and pledges.

Pursuant to this policy and established procedures, faculty members are eligible to donate up to 3 (three) earned days per year of personal leave time and non-faculty members are eligible to donate up to 3 (three) earned days per year of vacation leave time from accrued leave time.  Only paid leave time that has actually been earned is eligible for donation.  Such donations may be made each year, effective the date this policy is approved.  The payroll tax treatment for such donations shall be processed in accordance with IRS rules and regulations.  At the time the donation is made, faculty and staff will designate the project(s) to which they desire to donate or designate if they wish the donation to be available for use toward any project.

The value of donations made in the above manner shall be computed into dollar amounts based on salary, and employees making such donations will be recognized in the same manner as all other donors.  This policy will be ongoing and will be reviewed for continuation by the Board of Trustees every three years to determine the length of continuation.  If the policy is discontinued by the Board, donations through the year of expiration will be honored. Grant-funded employees are eligible to make donations under this policy only if allowable under the appropriate grant regulations.

Approval History: Replacement for Donation of Paid Leave Days for College Major Gifts Campaign  Approved 11/15/2007, 06//16/2011