Policies and Procedures

Policy Number:  6.0800
Subject Area:  Instruction 
Adopted: 08/26/2013
Revised: 08/26/2013

Kaskaskia College recognizes that students may have acquired competencies equivalent to those in KC program courses, as a result of past life experiences and/or formal education that has not been evaluated for credit. Such competencies may be documented in a Prior Learning Portfolio, in military records, in documents received for professional training (including certification or licensure), or they may be validated by means of proficiency examination or other standardized testing.

If non-traditional credit is granted, the source of the credit will be indicated on the student transcript and the credit will not be calculated in the student’s grade point average.  In order to be eligible for non-traditional credit, students must be enrolled in Kaskaskia College and in good academic standing.  The maximum number of hours awarded for prior learning experience, proficiency examination, and other standardized testing may not exceed 25% of the total credit hours needed to complete the certificate or degree program the student is pursuing.   Students should be advised that some educational institutions may not accept non-traditional credit as transferable coursework.  Non-traditional credit will be granted in accordance with established procedures.

Replaces Non-Traditional Credit Opportunities Policy 3.6
Approved August 26, 2013