Recommendations for any course lab fee changes should be made by faculty program/discipline coordinators in collaboration with program/discipline faculty and instructional deans. A justification for any changes must accompany the submission and should be incorporated into the Program Review and budget cycle. The instructional dean, in consultation with the Provost/Vice President of Instructional Services, the College President, and any other appropriate staff, will determine if the change should be implemented and submit to the Board of Trustees for approval no later than the January board meeting.
The course lab fee calendar is as follows:
- CTE Administrative Assistant sends course lab fees to program/discipline coordinators and instructional deans for review the first week of October
- Program/discipline coordinators should review and incorporate into Program Review in October
- This allows October and November for meetings and review with program/discipline coordinators, faculty, and instructional deans
- Changes should be submitted to the CTE Administrative Assistant no later than the last week of November
- The CTE Administrative Assistant will submit a final list of all course fees to the Provost/Vice President of Instructional Services office for review
- Course fee changes will be presented to the Board of Trustees (BOT) for first review in December each year and for final vote of approval in January annually
Approved changes to course lab fees will take effect at the beginning of the academic year (Summer semester).
Replaces Course Lab Fees Procedure 4.353P Approved April 24, 2003