Policies and Procedures

Policy Number:  2.1200
Subject Area:  General College Policies/Administration 
Adopted: 07/27/2020
Revised: 07/27/2020


Kaskaskia College will provide and implement a Pandemic Response Procedure to guide the College in preparing for and responding to a pandemic outbreak. The purpose of this Procedure is to minimize and mitigate the impact of a viral pandemic on students, faculty, and staff by describing the specific actions to be taken by the College based on the following objectives and assumptions.


  • To protect the lives, safety, and health of all students, faculty, staff, of Kaskaskia College.
  • To effectively communicate with all involved parties throughout the duration of a confirmed pandemic.
  • To provide for the continuation of as many college operations and services as possible as long as it is safe to do so.
  • To prevent the spread of viruses through health and hygiene education.
  • To provide and implement a reentry/reopen plan for the College once the pandemic has slowed or has been eradicated.
  • Assumptions:
  • In the event of a pandemic, the State of Illinois may have minimal resources available for local assistance and local authorities will be responsible for community-based response plans.
  • A viral pandemic can potentially spread from person to person, resulting in substantial absenteeism of students and staff at the College.
  • Vaccines and antiviral medications may be in short supply during the initial months after the onset of a pandemic.
  • Recommendations and directives to close schools, public events, restrict travel, and quarantine areas may come from the State of Illinois, Illinois Department of Public Health and respective County Health Departments.
  • During a pandemic Kaskaskia College may need to shift services to a remote method of delivery and minimize staffing for extended period of times.

Approval History: July 27, 2020