Policies and Procedures

Policy Number:  6.0401
Subject Area:  Instruction 
Adopted: 04/27/2020
Revised: 03/25/2022

Procedure for Full-Time Faculty, Adjuncts, & Dual Credit Instructors Syllabi Creation:

  1. Simple Syllabus https://kaskaskia.simplesyllabus.com is the location of all syllabi templates. They will be updated and housed for each course being taught within each respective academic term within Simple Syllabus.
  2. Approximately one month before the term begins, an email is sent from the Vice President of Instructional Services Office to all faculty teaching to inform them to begin creating their syllabi with Simple Syllabus. The deadline for creating their section-specific course syllabus (First Day Handout) will be provided to them. Completion reminders will be automatically sent from Simple Syllabus.
  3. Dual Credit Faculty will complete fall only and full year syllabi during the fall semester. Spring only courses will need their syllabi created during the spring.
  4. Faculty will work through each section specific template, adding the required items.
  5. Full-time faculty are encouraged to review the template for any changes needed to student learning outcomes, program/discipline learning outcomes, or general education student learning outcomes. 
  6. Changes needed should be reported to the Instructional Services Coordinator for review. This review will determine if minor changes can be made directly to the template or if a major change is needed that requires submission to the KC Curriculum Council. The Curriculum/Assessment Change Form must be used for all changes to all learning outcomes. Once changes are approved the databases will be corrected in order to generate an updated syllabus template effective the next term.
  7. Once faculty have completed their section-specific syllabus (First Day Handout), an automated email will be sent from Simple Syllabus to the lead faculty whom is in charge of being the first approver. Once the lead faculty member has reviewed and approved the syllabi, the final approver will be the respective Instructional Dean.
  8. Once the two-step approval process has been completed, an email will be automatically sent to the instructor from Simple Syllabus listing the syllabi that have been approved. The syllabi automatically becomes available to students via the school’s LMS.

Replaces Syllabi Procedure 3.204

Approved April 27, 2020; Revised 03/25/2022