Policies and Procedures

Policy Number:  4.4000
Subject Area:  Personnel 
Adopted: 08/27/2018
Revised: 08/27/2018

Kaskaskia College has developed a standard of behavior that requires all employees to be sensitive to situations that could be perceived as a conflict between personal and College interests.  Employees should diligently avoid conflicts of interest that may arise between the College and the employee’s personal, professional and business interests.  This includes avoiding potential and actual conflicts of interest as well as avoiding the perception of conflicts of interest.  When potential conflicts of interest cannot be avoided, the College has established a standard practice that requires the employee to disclose the circumstances as detailed in the Conflict of Interest - Nepotism procedures in order to receive a determination.

Approval History: Replaces Conflict of Interest/Nepotism Policy 2.40 approved 8/27/2018