Policies and Procedures

Policy Number:  3.5001
Subject Area:  Business Services and Finances 
Adopted: 05/19/2014
Revised: 05/19/2014

A department must be authorized by the Business Office before engaging in any business activities, including cash handling.  Cash includes but is not limited to currency, checks, credit/debit cards, electronic funds, money orders, meal cards or gift cards.  Proper internal controls shall be followed when handling cash.  

Formal Cash Handling Procedures have been established for the protection and security of College assets, but also serve to protect employees responsible for receiving, handling, and safeguarding cash.

This Cash Handling policy applies to all College employees, students or other individuals participating in activities on behalf of the College or the Kaskaskia College Foundation.

Approval History:  Replaces Cash Handling Policy 4.155 approved May 19, 2014