Policies and Procedures

Board Bylaw:   
Policy Number:  5.1004
Subject Area:  Student Services 
Adopted: 08/02/2021
Revised: 10/21/2015

I.  Steps to be followed:

A.    Informal Resolution - Within ten working days of the problem or incident occurring, the student should confer with the individual who is the subject of the complaint in an effort to resolve the issue informally.  If the particular situation is not amenable to the student addressing the individual, then this step can be skipped.

B.    If the student is not satisfied that the complaint has been resolved in Step 1 or if no response is provided to the student through Step 1 above, then the student is required to file a written complaint, using the Student Complaint Reporting Form, with the individual’s immediate supervisor, department head, or division dean within twenty working days of the problem or incident occurring.  The Student Complaint Reporting Form can be obtained from the Kaskaskia College website at www.kaskaskia.edu or by contacting the Admissions and Registration Office.

C.   The immediate supervisor, department head, or division dean will review the written complaint and obtain any additional information needed for resolving the complaint.  After such review is completed, and within 10 working days of receiving the written complaint, the immediate supervisor, department head, or division dean shall respond to the student in writing.  If the complaint is determined to have merit, the College will take appropriate action to resolve the complaint.   If the complaint is not determined to have merit and no College action is taken, the student may proceed to the next step if he/she chooses.

D.   If the student is not satisfied with the results of Step 3, he/she may appeal to the appropriate vice president (or President, where he/she is the immediate supervisor).  Such appeal must be made in writing and must be made within five working days of receiving the decision from Step 3.

E.    The vice president (or President, where he/she is the immediate supervisor) will review the written complaint and obtain any additional information needed for resolving the complaint.  After such review is completed, and within 10 working days of receiving the appeal, the vice president or President shall respond to the student in writing.  If the complaint is determined to have merit, the College will take appropriate action to resolve the complaint.   If the complaint is not determined to have merit and no College action is taken, the student may proceed to the next step if he/she chooses.  If the President is the immediate supervisor in this step, the decision rendered is final.

F.    If the student is not satisfied with the results of Step 5, he/she may appeal to the President (if the President was not involved in Step 5).   Such appeal must be made in writing and must be made within five working days of receiving the decision from Step 5.

G.   The President will review the written complaint and obtain any additional information needed for resolving the complaint.  After such review is completed, and within 10 working days of receiving the appeal, the President shall respond to the student in writing.  The President’s decision rendered is final.

II. The student may terminate the above process at any point by sending a written notice to the last individual contacted through the above procedures.

III. Please note that for questions regarding the appropriate personnel to contact pursuant to the above procedures, students contact the Director of Admissions and Registration at 618.545.3184 or via email at cboehne@kaskaskia.edu.


Approval History:

October 21, 2015