Policies and Procedures

Board Bylaw:  1.0000
Subject Area:  Board of Trustees Bylaws 
Adopted: 01/25/2024
Revised: 01/25/2024


Bylaws describe the Board organization, procedures, functions, and methods for the management of its own business.

Bylaws of the Board may be amended or adopted at any regular or special meeting of the Board. A 5/7 majority vote of the Board membership is required, provided that notice of the intention to change, amend, or add to the bylaws in whole or in part shall (1) be included in the meeting agenda and (2) have been presented at at least one regular Board meeting prior to the meeting at which the change is considered by the Board.


Policies are basic assumptions and general principles recommended by the College administration and approved by the Board of Trustees to guide College personnel in the management of College operations.

A majority vote of the Board membership is required, provided that notice of the intention to change, amend, or add to the policies in whole or in part shall be included in the agenda of any regular or special meeting and have been presented at at least one regular Board meeting prior to the meeting at which the change is considered by the Board unless one of the readings is waived by the Board as stated below.

The Board has the discretion to waive the final reading and approve a policy after only a first reading, if a majority of the members feel it will be in the best interest of the College to do so. The Board also has the discretion to require more than two readings of a policy for approval. Policies brought to the Board for adoption or amendment shall be developed pursuant to New and Revised College Policies and Procedures Policy 2.0000 and New and Revised College Policies and Procedures Procedure 2.0000.

Policies adopted by the Board are not intended to create a promise or binding agreement or contract between Kaskaskia College and any of its employees or students. Kaskaskia College reserves the sole discretion to change the content or application of policies and procedures. Such changes can be implemented whether or not they have been communicated, printed, or posted to the College Policies and Procedures weblink.

Rules and procedures are specific methods and courses of action taken by the College administration, faculty, and staff in implementing the policies that are adopted by the Board of Trustees.

All such rules and procedures shall be provided to the Board for informational purposes at the time policies are considered for adoption or amendment. Due to the need to consistently change procedures to meet new legal requirements, new technology needs, and to improve efficiently, the College President is authorized to approve all new and revised procedures for implementation of Board policy. After final approval of procedures by the President, they will be communicated electronically to College employees and compiled in electronic format in the Kaskaskia College Policies and Procedures weblink, which is available for all to view electronically on the College’s website. All employees are responsible for knowing the content of the policies and procedures. The Board and employees shall have electronic access to the Policies and Procedures weblink.

Policies shall be reviewed and revised as needed to maintain accuracy and relevance. Any revisions should follow the appropriate designation.


An administrative revision to a policy/procedure is a change that is superficial or administrative in nature. Administrative revisions may reflect editorial changes, grammatical changes, or updates to external references, names, or titles. Administrative revisions to policies may be approved by the College President, and must be shared informationally with the Board of Trustees within the Executive Services report for the next regularly scheduled Board of Trustees meeting.  Administrative revisions to procedures may be approved by the College President, and must be shared informationally with the President’s Cabinet at next regularly scheduled President’s Cabinet meeting.


A minor revision is a change to a current policy/procedure that is of an insubstantial nature, and has no effect to the meaning or intent of the policy/procedure. Minor revisions may reflect changes to responsibilities or operational aspects of a process. Minor revisions to policies may be approved by the College President, and must be shared informationally with the Board of Trustees within the Executive Services report for the next regularly scheduled Board of Trustees meeting.  Minor revisions to procedures may be approved by the College President, and must be shared informationally with the President’s Cabinet at next regularly scheduled President’s Cabinet meeting.


A major revision is a change to a current policy/procedure that is likely to impact the intent of the policy/procedure and/or on other related policies/procedure.  Any major changes to policies require Board of Trustee approval.  Any major changes to procedures require Presidential approval and should be vetted by the President’s Cabinet if time permits.

Nothing in this document shall be construed to limit the right of the Board of Trustees to change, alter, amend, or repeal any of its bylaws, policies, procedures, rules, or regulations or any other provisions herein.

Approval History: Replaces Board Bylaws 1.750, July 15,2004, and Board Policies 1.751, July 15, 2004 and December 14, 2015, Right to Amend, Change or Appeal 1.80, Approved July 15, 2004, Rules and Procedures 1.752 Approved July 15, 2004 and December 14, 2015, Revised January 25, 2021; Revised January 25, 2024.