Policies and Procedures

Policy Number:  3.6002
Subject Area:  Business Services and Finances 
Adopted: 11/28/2016
Revised: 11/28/2016

All purchases of supplies, services, equipment, and other materials, whether through a Bidding process or a Request for Proposal (RFP) shall be made in accordance with the Illinois Public Community College Act, and applicable federal and local laws, and established College policies and procedures.  Additionally, purchases and contracts will adhere to grant-funded guidelines, where applicable.  All purchases will be coordinated through the Purchasing Office.  No purchases will occur without an approved purchase requisition on file in the Purchasing Office and no orders shall be placed until a purchase order has been assigned for the purchase.  Kaskaskia College is not responsible for any purchases occurring outside of the approved College purchasing procedures.

All bids and/or quotes will be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder considering conformity with specifications, terms of delivery, quality, and serviceability.RFPs for Goods and services will be awarded based on both financial considerations and adherence to the criteria that have been developed through the RFP process.

In addition, all purchases, contracts and bids that exceed the statutory threshold of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) shall be subject to a competitive procurement process except for those purchases that are exempted from such process.  Such exemptions are set forth in Section 3-21.1 of the Illinois Public Community College Act.  The Director of Purchasing, with the input of the College Legal Counsel and the approval of the College President shall make the determination as to whether the procurement of a good or service is exempted from the competitive bidding/RFP process.  The College may also participate in joint purchases by governmental units pursuant to Section 3.27.2 of the Illinois Public Community College Act. The Board reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids/RFPs.  If for any reason competitive bids or price quotations for goods or services statutorily exempted from a competitive selection process are deemed advisable by the President, then an appropriate process will be followed.

Pursuant to Public Act 99-0462, The Business Enterprise Program for Minorities, Females, and Person with Disabilities Act, Kaskaskia College aspires to increase the participation of businesses owned by minorities, females, and persons with disabilities in contracts awarded by the College and will comply with the requirements of such Act.  In support of this policy, the College makes a commitment to utilize qualified minority, female, and persons with disabilities owned businesses, where possible, within the bounds of financial and fiduciary prudence.  The College Administration is responsible for developing plans and implementation procedures to achieve the goals of the Act.

Approval History:  Replaces Purchasing and Contracts Policy 4.2 approved May 20, 2010 and November 28, 2016