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Policies and Procedures
Policy Number:
Subject Area:
Student Services
Adopted: 07/17/2008
Revised: 07/17/2008
The Disability Services Coordinator will be responsible for addressing the needs of qualifying students with disabilities and the name and contact information for such Coordinator shall be published in the Student Handbook, College Catalog, on the College website, on all course syllabi, and other appropriate locations accessible to students.
In order to receive accommodations, students are required to notify the Section 504/ADA Coordinator of their pending enrollment and furnish official documentation of their disability(ies). The 504/ADA Coordinator at KC is the Disability Services Coordinator. To facilitate student integration and success, individualized services may be provided at the student’s request, including, but not limited to: tutors, readers, voice recorders, e-textbooks, extended time for testing and other classroom materials as well as referrals to community agencies. Each request for accommodation shall be reviewed by the Disability Services Coordinator and either granted or denied based on relevant factors.
Steps to Receive Services through the Disability Services Office. The following are process steps in the provision of services through the Disability Services Office at KC.
Student requests services through the Disability Support Services (DSS) office (student must self-identify).
Student is asked to provide documentation of disability (IEP, 504 Plan, Letter from a doctor, counselor, other health professional.
Once documentation is received, DSS Coordinator reviews documents and offers reasonable services the college can provide.
The student agrees and signs the Accommodation(s) form, which documents these services.
DSS Coordinator inserts the necessary information in the college information system on the PHIN screen. This list of accommodations prints out on the instructors’ class roster.
The student is responsible for picking up the form at the beginning of each semester he or she will want the accommodations and taking it to each of his/her instructors to be signed. If a student is in online classes, the form will be emailed directly to the instructors.
Once the form has been signed by instructors, the student signs again and submits to the DSS office.
The signed form is emailed to all instructors listed, ACE and the student.
All information including the student’s name, date he or she picked up and returned the accommodation form, accommodations and semester attending is kept updated by the DSS coordinator.
Any issues throughout the semester are addressed through the DSS office.
The College will make reasonable efforts to provide the exact accommodation requested by the student. However, there is no guarantee that a student will receive the exact accommodation he/she requests, although all accommodations that will be effective and feasible for the College to provide will be considered. If the provision of services in an integrated setting is not practical for a particular student, then the feasibility of alternative opportunities will be explored.
In the event that any student with a disability feels that he/she has been discriminated against or has generally been treated unfavorably due to his/her disability, the individual should file a written complaint with the Vice President of Student Services. When applicable, the Vice President of Student Services will attempt to resolve the issue in an informal manner. Where an informal resolution is not possible, the student will be referred to the Disability Services Committee, which consists of VP of Student Services, Disability Support Services Coordinator, Dean of Enrollment Services, and the VP of Instructional Services. The Disability Services Committee will obtain sufficient information from the student and all relevant parties and then reach a decision. Such decision will be forwarded to the Vice President of Student Services for review, approval, and communication to the student regarding decision. Student appeals of such decisions may be directed to the Vice President of Student Services.
Approval History:
November 2, 2020
July 17, 2008
Related Documents
Disability Services Policy