Policies and Procedures

Policy Number:  6.0602
Subject Area:  Instruction 
Adopted: 12/15/2011
Revised: 12/15/2011

The grade of Incomplete (I) is given at the instructor’s discretion.  An incomplete grade may be awarded by a faculty member in the following circumstances:

  • The student MUST initiate the request for an Incomplete grade before the final grade is assigned, unless extenuating circumstances prohibit the student from initiating the request.
  • The student’s work at the time the request is made is passing, and at least 75% of the required coursework has been completed.
  • Attendance has been satisfactory throughout the term.
  • An illness or other extenuating circumstance legitimately prevents completion of required work by the normal due date.
  • In the discretion of the faculty member, required work may reasonably be completed within the academic term immediately following the date the Incomplete grade is given.  The specific timeframe for completion is mutually agreed upon by the student and the faculty member.

 The grade of Incomplete cannot be given in cases where:

  • The Incomplete would be a substitute for a failing grade.
  • The Incomplete would be based solely on a student’s failure to complete work or as a means of raising his or her grade by doing additional work after the grade report time.

The maximum time allowed for completing incomplete coursework is one semester (the semester immediately following the date the Incomplete is given), at the discretion of the faculty member.  If, after one semester the coursework is not completed, the incomplete (I) will be converted to the grade that would have otherwise been earned without the completion of the work in question.

Replaces Incomplete Grades Policy 3.41
Approved September 15, 2011